Most Creative Chatbots on the Web

Chatbots such as those from Convertobot are software applications that simulate conversations in human speech whether written or spoken. Chatbots are usually offered as web-based applications or stand-alone applications.

As chatbots get cheaper and easier to build, they will become increasingly popular in the future. In fact, you can create a chatbot yourself today that you can use in an app like Facebook Messenger with little to no coding skills.

However, some apps are clearly better than others and of all the chatbots you will find online the following are some of the most innovative chatbots on the web:

  1. Endurance

Endurance is an application for dementia patients whose conversational skills are in sharp decline. Endure is a companion chatbot designed to identify digressions in conversations which indicate a problem with memory.

For an NLP-based system, Endurance is quite ambitious. The chatbot is also cloud based so it can be used to identify deterioration of a dementia’s patient’s condition including memory and communication skills loss.

  • Casper

Many people in the world today suffer from insomnia and it is a very solemn situation. Casper’s insomnia chatbot is named Insomnobot3000 which is quite apt.

The chatbot seeks to alleviate loneliness of insomniacs while others get rest. The chatbot is rudimentary when compared to others but it can help you not use other channels that may keep you awake while offering activities that may help you sleep.

  • Disney

Although most chatbots are used as conversational, customer service agents. Disney’s chatbot is designed to engage younger audiences. The first chatbot of this kind was the Zootopiachatbot where Disney fans were invited to solve crimes with the movie’s character Judy Hopps.

Users could then investigate mysteries such as those in the movie and even offer suggestions to help solve the investigations. As far as a creative use of a chatbot goes, Disney’s chatbot is certainly one of the best.


The international non-profit UNICEF has developed a chatbot to help assist citizens of developing nations to present urgent communal needs to the organization. The chatbot is called U-Report and is not a conversational chatbot but more of a data gathering chatbot.

The chatbot uses information collected on various social issues and then uses the feedback as policy recommendations. U-Report has been used for significant policy changes one of them being Liberia’s school children sexual abuse problem.

  • MedWhat

MedWhat is a chatbot designed to increase the speed of medical diagnoses. It also makes medical diagnoses easier and more transparent for both doctors and potential patients.

MedWhat is powered by complex machine learning which offers increasingly accurate responses based on interactions with humans. The chatbots also draws its diagnoses from large reservoirs of medical research and peer reviewed medical papers which also increases the accuracy of its diagnoses.

  • Roof AI

Roof AI is a chatbot utilized by real estate marketers for automatic lead generation and assignment via social media. Once the bot identifies a potential lead on a social media platform, it will initiate a conversation in a friendly manner and based on user input, it will provide more information while assigning the lead to a sales agent.

Roof AI can be very useful for real estate agents as it not only captures leads but also assigns them to sales agents hence increasing conversion rates.