Does Your Name Matter When Looking for a Job


If you’ve been looking for a job for a while and keep striking out, you’re probably frustrated and wondering what’s going wrong. One thing that you might not be thinking about is your name. That’s right, something as simple as your name might be hurting your chances of landing that job.

If your name is inconsistent from meeting someone in person and your online profiles, your potential employers are having a hard time finding you online. For example, if you walk into an interview, and you introduce yourself as Bradley D. Wilde, your interviewer is looking for that name online. If your Linkedin is under Brad Wilde, you’re harder to find. This has the potential of giving the impression that you’re hiding something or you don’t have the professional history to show off. Your chances of getting the job increase slightly when your interviewer can easily find you …

A nurse calling system is a 2 way connection between healthcare staff and their patients

nurse calling system is a 2 way connection between healthcare staff and their patients. These little devices which are call buttons of sorts have really made a world of difference in many different sectors, but most especially, the healthcare industry. A variety of companies exist in the market to aid with communication in the medical field, however it is vital to go with one with a proven track record so you would be getting a quality system and reliable after care. A well installed nurse calling system will last you for years on end with the proper maintenance. This simple device aids in better communication but can also be the difference between life and death. This is the especial reason on why they are much needed in the medical sector. A nurse calling system is probably something everybody has seen one time or another at hospitals, though this would …