Most Creative Chatbots on the Web

Chatbots such as those from Convertobot are software applications that simulate conversations in human speech whether written or spoken. Chatbots are usually offered as web-based applications or stand-alone applications.

As chatbots get cheaper and easier to build, they will become increasingly popular in the future. In fact, you can create a chatbot yourself today that you can use in an app like Facebook Messenger with little to no coding skills.

However, some apps are clearly better than others and of all the chatbots you will find online the following are some of the most innovative chatbots on the web:

  1. Endurance

Endurance is an application for dementia patients whose conversational skills are in sharp decline. Endure is a companion chatbot designed to identify digressions in conversations which indicate a problem with memory.

For an NLP-based system, Endurance is quite ambitious. The chatbot is also cloud based so it can be used …