Could Paper Thin OLED Televisions Be The Next Big Thing?


With the introduction of 4K ULTRA HD technology back in 2004, not much has changed in advanced TV tech since then. Surely, the 4K tech evolved during the last decade, but in terms of innovation, nothing new was introduced to the market. Until recently.

A new technology called OLED was introduced in 2012, which took screen and picture technology to a whole new level. Extremely lightweight and as thin as just a few millimeters, OLED TVs deliver even greater viewing experience than LCD or plasma, while at the same time being eco-friendly.

What is OLED?

OLED, or Organic Light-Emitting Diode – is an organic carbon based film that sits between two conductors, which produces light whenever electricity passes through it. The main difference from LED and LCD TVs is that OLED produces its own light with the help of the diodes, while LED and LCD cells need a backlight, an …